Hotforex Review – Is It Good For Scalping?

According to the test we've conducted on several brokers to see the quality of scalping on them, Hotforex showed competitive results and ranked very good on our list, so I decided to take a closer look at this broker and review it completely. You can see the whole study here. Introduction to Hotforex Hotforex  is an STP/ECN broker that has been around since 2010 and I think I heard its name about that time. Like most of the forex brokers…

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Best Currency Pairs to Trade Today – Cool Forex Scanner

What are the best forex pairs to trade today? What are the best currency pairs for me as a beginner? Which currency pair has the potential to trade regarding my strategy? I wish I had a forex scanner to do the trick for me. These are some of questions and thoughts that various traders ask themselves every day and because thinking is not gonna find the pairs, you blow your bubble and grab your laptop or PC or whatever you…


How to manually backtest forex trading strategies – simulator and software

These are the best ways that you can backtest a Forex trading strategy manually: 1- F 12 MT4 strategy tester TradingView FXBlue Simulator Soft4fx Forex Simulator Forex Tester In this article, you'll see how to backtest a forex strategy using those methods. We are also going to see which one of those methods is the best way to manually backtest a forex trading strategy. Spoiler: The best way to backtest a forex trading strategy is Forex tester, however, you can…


Forex Manual Backtest – Backtesting Report and Using Excel

In this article, we are going to see what information we need to collect for a manual backtest, particularly in forex; how to gather them, what can be found in a backtesting report and what do they tell us and how we can calculate the information we’ve gathered using Excel. If you are new to backtesting and you want to know what the backtesting is or how we can backtest automatically and manually using multiple ways, you can check this…


11 Tips and Tricks for MetaTrader 4 Tools

There is no doubt that MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is the most useful and practical platform of trading. The speed and compatibility of Metatrader are unparalleled. The only problem that MT4 has is its appearance which is as if we were living in 1990. They try to make a few tweaks to it by releasing MT5, but nothing exceptional happened in terms of the whole skin and it’s still somehow ugly but of course loveable. Here we are going to take…


A Complete Review Of – Is It Worth Buying?

In this post, I'll try to look at different aspects of service to see if it’s worth buying and how it may benefit you. So bear with me to find it out in this complete review. There are lots of signal providers that you can find out there with a quick search but not all of them are legit. Some might be legit but they don’t provide you anything but sheer signals that you don’t even know what they…

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